Check out my latest talk with Rania Badran and Nevertheless She Preached to help amplify Palestinian voices amid the ongoing bombardment in Gaza.
Mar. 24, 2021: "Courageous Conversations II." Co-Host, Wingate University.
Mar. 15, 2021: "Misconceptions of Islam." Co-Host, Wingate University.
Mar. 8, 2021: "Women in Faith."Panel Member, Wingate University.
Mar. 1, 2021: "Courageous Conversations I." Co-Host, Wingate University
Feb. 9, 2021: "Into the Minds of Minorities." Co-Host, Panel Moderator. Wingate University.
Dec. 3, 2020: " Sharing Our Experiences: LGBTQ+ Panel Discussion." Panel Member. Wingate University.
Dec. 2, 2020: "Driving The Decision With Ryan Hines." Co-Host. Wingate University
Oct. 29, 2020: "History of the Present: Palestine, The Land That Remains." Panel Member. Wingate University.
Oct. 22, 2020: "Islamophobia Affects Us All." Co-Host. Wingate University.
Oct. 8, 2020: "Islam 101." Co-Host. Wingate University.
Aug. 18, 2020: "Health, History, and Humanity: Unveiling the Effects." Panel Member. The University of Lynchburg (Lynchburg, VA).
Jun. 3, 2020: “Race and the Crisis of Justice.” Panel Member. Wingate University.
Feb. 5, 2020: “The Role of Faith in Higher Education.” Wingate University.
Sep. 25, 2019: “Protests: Past and Present.” Moderator. Wingate University.
May 9, 2019: “Understanding and Dismantling Racism.” Wingate University.
May 3, 2019: “Shine Your Light: The Voices of Minoritized Students.” Moderator. Wingate University.
Jan. 15, 2019: “Speak Your Truth.” Wingate University.
Mar. 14, 2018: “Women in the Early Church.” Wingate University.
Feb. 20, 2018:“Wisdom.” Guest Lecturer for Religion Class. Wingate University.
Oct. 18, 2017: “Samson.” Guest Lecturer for Religion Class. Wingate University.
Dec. 1, 2015: “Sex, Shame, and Disability Theory.” The New School (New York, NY).
Dec. 1, 2015: “Affect Theory.” The New School (New York, NY).
Oct. 5, 2015: “Feminism and Gender Criticism in Religious Studies." Guest Lecturer for Graduate Division of Religion Interdisciplinary Colloquium. Drew University (Madison, NJ).
Apr. 23, 2015: “Édóuard Glissant, Poststructuralist Discourse and Orality.” Guest Lecturer for Africana Studies and Religion Class. Drew University Graduate Division of Religion.
Apr. 1, 2015: “Feminist and LGBTQ Biblical Hermeneutics.” Guest Lecturer for Biblical Literature Course. Drew University Theological School.
Nov. 21-24, 2020: "The Bible as Pharmakon." Society of Biblical Literature.
Nov. 22-26, 2019: "Teaching the Bible with 2020 Vision.'"Society of Biblical Literature.
Mar. 7-9, 2019: “Teaching the Bible Interdisciplinarily: Employing Secular Resources to Teach Sacred Texts or Why I Teach the Bible with a Sociology Textbook." Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion Conference.
Nov. 17-20, 2018: "The Archipelogics of Africana Biblical Hermeneutics: Africana, Orality, and Transtextual Biblical Interpretation.” Society of Biblical Literature.
Nov. 18-21, 2017: “The Rhizome and/as the Tree of Life: The Relational Poetics of Wisdom.” Society of Biblical Literature.
March 23-26, 2017: “The Rhizome and/as the (Baobab) Tree of Life: The Relational Poetics of Wisdom and Decolonizing Biblical Studies.” Drew University Transdiciplinary Theological Colloquium.
Nov. 19-22, 2016: “Reading (with) Rhythm for the Sake of the I-n-I(slands).” Society of Biblical Literature.
March 18-20, 2016: “Reading (with) Rhythm for the Sake of the I-n-I(slands): A Rastafarian Interpretation of Samson as Ambient Affective Assemblage.” Drew University Transdiciplinary Theological Colloquium.
Nov. 21-24, 2015:“The Rhythms of Rastafari Biblical Hermeneutics.” Society of Biblical Literature
Apr. 4-6, 2014: “(Re)Membering Samson Other-Wise.” University of Texas at Austin Fourteenth Annual Africana Conference.
Feb. 7-10, 2013: “A Socioeconomic Hermeneutics of Chayim.” Drew University Transdiciplinary Theological Colloquium.
Oct. 19, 2013: “On the Divine Wisdom of Χωρα: Reading Genesis 1:1-10 as a Chorasmic Theology.” Northeastern Seminary Interdisciplinary Theology Conference.
2013: “U.S. Solidarity with the People of the Philippines,” International Conference on Human Rights in the Philippines. Quezon City, Philippines.
Oct. 11, 2019: "National Coming Out Day!" Wingate University.
Mar. 19, 2018: "Body Confidence." Wingate University.
Nov. 15, 2016: "Queer Religion," Language Studies Roundtable. The New School.
Dr. Paige Rawson is available for speaking engagements at universities, academic conferences, churches and much more! You can contact us below for an inquiries.